December 13, 2006

Member Speech: My Father's Son

Member Speech: My Father's Son

Advanced Manual: Storytelling, "Get Personal"
Author & Speaker: Dan Mukendi

Speech done at Durack toastmasters club, 16 November 2006
Evaluation by: Bernice Takla
Time 6-8 minutes
(c) Author, 2006

Speech structure:
Topic: Get Personal
Intro: I'm going to be like you dad
Body: Child hood
Growing up
Teasing brother
Developing interest
Closing: The characteristics


* To learn the elements of a good story
* To create and tell an original story based on a personal experience

Evaluation Feedback:
Time taken: 6:34 minutes
How was the plot or the point of the story?
There was a strong structure to the speech but it felt more like a long inspiration

How did the story build to a climax?
Was too general and didn't have a strong climax.

Were the characters well developed? How did you learn about them?
"My dad is the strongest man in the world, carry me on his shoulders" the excellent relationship with the father as the other character was very clear.

How did the speaker use description and dialogue to add colour to the story?
The use of clichés normally and innovatively. e.g. Dad's shoulders, money on trees, etc..
Could have used more description. The part of your speech I could imagine well was at your dad's grey hair...

Were you able to picture the characters & actions as the speaker told the stories...
The characters were well defined as personalities, no so much the physical, which is mostly suited for stories. More physicality would have been nice.
The action was well developed especially via the use of action words. (lying on the flower out with the camera)

Technique used: Good movement around the room, wonderful facial expressions, funny only too general at times more like an ice breaker in terms of conten.

Evaluation Pro Forma 1
Well structured. Good preferences to Cat Steven's & what you had already said integrated into the speech. Good used of the floor and kept the audiance entertained (Bits of humour)

Speech speed is a bit fast at times. you have involuntary movement that you may want to control.

Strong voice & eye contract. Excellent story telling ability, intro, body & conclusion.

Evaluation Pro Forma 2
Dan, it was great having you speak in this club this morning. I enjoyed your colour and drama. I wonder whether you can ever have too much. Perfect

Very enjoyable, well done.

Evaluation Pro Forma 3
I really liked your opening, the reference to Cat & the cradle was well used. you energy levels were captivating.

[When] You speak very quickly which is cool only you can jam words together.[ it's important to still retain pronunciation]

Very engaging speech - well done. Great use of humour

September 27, 2006

Member Speech: Goddess Day

Advanced Manual: Storytelling, "The Folk Tale"
Author & Speaker: Dan Mukendi
Speech done at Midrand toastmasters club, 26 Sempterber2006
Evaluation by: Leon Clemons
Time 7-9 minutes
(c) Author, 2006

Speech structure:
Topic: The Folk Tale
Intro: The dark ages
Body: Goddess Day
Jealous brother
Return to the cave
The dark ages
Closing: Love and happiness ever after


* To tell a folk tale that is entertaining and enjoyable for specific age group
* To use vivid imagery and voice to enhance the tale

Evaluation Feedback:
Time taken: 7:2o minutes
Interesting opening
Technique used: Voice volume, inflection, rhythm with good vocal variety
Most interesting part: When the Goddess Day kissed the God of Strength.
Distraction: Too much movement that was not purposeful.
Ideas conveyed: Joy of the return of Goddess Day.
Yes, was able to visualise the story.

September 11, 2006

Member Speech: High Attitude

Member Speech: High Attitude

Advanced Manual: Humorously Speaking, "Warm Up Your Audience"
Author & Speaker: Dan Mukendi
Speech done at Speech Quest Toastmaster Club
Evaluation by: Lorna Ellis
Time 5-7 minutes
(c) Author, 2006

Speech structure:
Topic: How to makes wishes come true
Intro: Housewife's wish
Body: Twelve Inches
+ Highway to paradise
+ Aladdin
Closing: Clarity, Reality and Focus


* Prepare a speech that opens with a humorous story
* Personalise the story
* Deliver the story smoothly and effectively

Evaluation Feedback:

A pass :-)
Less humour needed to meet objectives.
Humor connected but speech felt more like being built around the humour.
More humour than speech content. Not necessary for first speech.
Humour used worked, audience laughed.

July 05, 2006

August Meeting - Monday 7th

In this post:
*Next Meeting:
*It’s OPEN, come IN, bring GUESTS!

*Next Meeting

August, Monday 7th
Time: 18h00 as the Meeting will commence at 18h30 sharp
Venue: Wendywood Sports Club - Darwin Rd, Wendywood

*Bring GUESTS!
It's an open Club; bring at least one more person with you!
When you’re at the meeting, say something.

*Please CONFIRM your attendance


5 goals achieved: Distinguished Club
7 goals achieved: Select Distinguished Club
9 goals achieved: President’s Distinguished Club


1. Two CTM – 2 to go!
2. Two more CTM – 2 to go!
3. One ATM Bronze, Silver or Gold – 1 to go!
4. One more ATM Bronze, Silver or Gold – 1 to go!
5. One CL, AL or DTM – 1 to go!
6. One more CL, AL or DTM – 1 to go!
7. Four new members – Achieved 1 only 3 more left!
8. Four more new members – 4 to go!
9. Minimum of four club officers trained during each of two training periods (3 at previews COT, 1 needs to attend follow-up, 4 at the next COT)
10. One semiannual membership report and one club officer list submitted on time. Club officer list submitted on time! Only semiannual need be submitted on time!

CTM – Competent Toast Master
ATM – Advanced Toast Master
CL – Competent Leader
AL – Advanced Leader
DTM – Distinguished Toast Master


May 10, 2006

Division H Contest

Speech Quest is represented in two contest by Dave Oswald!

Date: Tuesday, 16th May, 2006

Venue: Nedbank offices, 105 West Street (cnr West and Katherine), Sandton – please note: NOT the Nedcor head-office (directions attached)

Time: 18h30 for 19h00 – judge and contestant briefing sharply at 19h00, call to order 19h15

Cost: R10 entry

Light snacks, cool-drinks, tea and coffee will be available at the recess.